The CommScope PKI Center for End-to-End Supply Chain Security - Red Max

The supply chain is one of the most overlooked cybersecurity threat areas for service providers. But this blind spot is a fast-growing concern with potentially devastating consequences. In 2020 alone, supply chain cyberattacks increased by 78%. As recently as December 2020, a group of suspected nation-state threat attackers compromised the supply chain of SolarWinds’ software development process, inserting the SUNBURST malware into Orion products, allowing unauthorized access to networks across a wide range of government and private sectors. Supply chain security solutions lacked the sophistication and scope to address threats like this along every layer and link in the chain—until now.

CommScope’s Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) services group offers a comprehensive supply chain security framework, alongside a dedicated product and information security team with decades of end-to-end expertise in the field. Together, they offer the visibility and resources to eliminate cyber threats and create a device identity provisioning system to ensure a trusted supply chain.